Bridging Borders Bridging Borders

Prime Minister Ulisses Correia e Silva of Cabo Verde

Prime Minister Ulisses Correia e Silva on climate change and health security: "[We need] health security at a level that can build trust, together with the digital economy, energy transition, a water strategy linked to renewable energy and the “blue economy,” which is an important factor.”

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Bridging Borders Bridging Borders

Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves of St. Vincent and the Grenadines

PM Gonsalves on developed nations disrupting vaccine supply chains: “The supply chain was disrupted [for vaccines]… at least one developed country was creating problems for some others… that country shall remain nameless, but there are enough reports on it to figure it out.”

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Bridging Borders Bridging Borders

President Surangel Whipps, Jr. of Palau

"...Our hospital is a few feet above sea level, and our operating room, all of our hospital equipment, are basically no more than six feet above high tide mark."

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Bridging Borders Bridging Borders

President Lionel Aingimea of Nauru

“[Climate change] will have a far more reaching, far more devastating effect, I believe, than COVID-19 because as climate change increases here in the Pacific, its effects are you’re losing land, you’re losing food source, and it’s affecting parts of your economy.”

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Bridging Borders Bridging Borders

Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs of Sint Maarten

“We are part of the Dutch Kingdom, but even though we don’t have a physical knee on our necks, we have the proverbial noose around our necks. We are constantly being bullied, let’s say, by our former colonial powers, and at this stage we have already 10 years of sovereignty, yet in those 10 years they have succeeded—especially during these types of crises—to further take away some more autonomy from us.”

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Bridging Borders Bridging Borders

First Lady Eliza Reid of Iceland

“Tourism is the #1 contributor to Iceland’s GDP, so [the COVID-19 pandemic] has had a huge, huge impact…Because we haven’t been maybe under quite the same restrictions, there’s been a huge campaign and effort for Icelanders to travel within our own country.”

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Bridging Borders Bridging Borders

President Jonathan Nez of Navajo Nation

“It took a lawsuit against the federal government and the Department of the Treasury to make sure we get our share of COVID-19 relief money, while the rest of the other states, cities, and municipalities got their money right away.”

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Bridging Borders Bridging Borders

Prime Minister Gaston Browne of Antigua and Barbuda

"It's an inescapable fact that a lot of wealth generated in the Caribbean is actually sent to North America and Europe to build the infrastructure, build the universities, and establish strong economies. We were left poor and destitute. We think there should be some level of compensation, and I am one to believe there should be cash compensation."

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Bridging Borders Bridging Borders

Principal Chief Chuck Hoskin, Jr. of Cherokee Nation

"One of the reasons that our numbers have been manageable is that we've taken this serious in terms of listening to experts. I'm not a trained medical professional, I'm not a scientist, but I'm smart enough to know that we ought to listen to those folks."

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Bridging Borders Bridging Borders

President Lobsang Sangay of Tibet

“We have a basic health system for Tibetans in settlements. Having said that, the major facilities as far as coronavirus is concerned are provided by the government of India. So we are provided equal access to facilities by the government of India and we are in full cooperation.”

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Bridging Borders Bridging Borders

President George Vella of Malta

“Malta is only 330 square kilometers, with half a million population. We have an absolute capacity and saturation [for refugees]. The pity is there are human beings that are involved, but can you give to people something you do not have? Our only hope is cooperation and solidarity among the European Union [to intake more refugees].”

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Bridging Borders Bridging Borders

Acting Prime Minister Luca Beccari of San Marino

“From an economic perspective, borders become thinner and thinner every day. Therefore, it is important to put effective tools in place so that, when one enters a large-scale emergency scenario, automatic measures can be adopted to manage the crisis, without having to turn to improvisation or impromptu decisions. On this front, I believe an important role will be played by multilateral organizations such as the UN and the OECD.”

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Bridging Borders Bridging Borders

President Nicos Anastasiades of Cyprus

“Our national motto during the pandemic was ‘We Will Succeed’ and we will do so not only in Cyprus, but also in the United States, Europe, and the World.”

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Bridging Borders Bridging Borders

Prime Minister Albin Kurti of Kosovo

“We have planned to have two fiscal stimulus packages for the health of the economy, since the two are interlinked. The first fiscal package is being deployed as an emergency package. The second will be for the recovery phase.”

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